e-Clmpact Training for GHCOP Philanthropy Team Volunteers _______________
Have you ever wondered how Grand Harbor Community Outreach’s hard-working and dedicated Philanthropy Team reviews its many Grant requests? As it turns out, the GHCOP grant review is a very detailed and thorough process.
All non-profit agencies applying for a GHCOP grant are required to complete an on-line application using a system called e-CImpact. The application requires detailed information about the agency, the grant request, financial condition and governance.
GHCOP partners with United Way and John’s Island Community Service League in its use of the program. The e-CImpact program was developed by an outside contractor and is used extensively by most United Way agencies in the U.S. plus many other non-profits.
Agencies receive training, as needed, on how to enter information and all Philanthropy Team members receive training on how to access the grant application and the Evaluation Form. Site Team members use the detailed Evaluation Form to note their comments and evaluation of the agency following their site visit.
All site team members are invited to attend one of three new or refresher e-CImpact training sessions.
As our numerous Grant requests are received, this team begins the vetting process using e-Clmpact along with site visits to reach recommendations for funding, ensuring that your generous donations reach those meeting our philanthropy guidelines.