Donor Levels _________________________________________________________
For the past 20 years, the ability to fulfill our mission to address the unmet needs of groups and individuals in the areas of health, education and human services in Indian River County has been accomplished through the generous support of our Corporate Sponsors and individuals and in particular our Shell Level Donors.
Shell Levels are defined as follows:
Visionary ($15,000 plus)
Diamond ($10,000 to $14,999)
Emerald ($5,000 to $9,999)
Platinum ($2,500 to $4,999)
Gold ($1,000 to $2,499)
Pearl ($500 to $999)
Silver ($250 to $499)
Crystal ($100 to $249)
Those that contributed $100 or greater, and agreed to be publicly recognized, are listed by Shell Level. Not included in the Shell Levels are event fees and non-cash gifts donated to the Evening of Giving. Donors that contributed items to the Live Auction (Gala Diner & Live Auction) are recognized by the amount received for the items.
To everyone who contributed to GHCOP, you have our sincere thank you and gratitude. Our Shell Level Donors are the cornerstone of our fund-raising activities and we would like to make special mention of them here.
"In Honor Of" and "In Memory Of" Shell Categories ________________________
Two Shell level categories have been created, “In Memory Of” to recognize a deceased family member or friend, and “In Honor Of” to recognize a special family or friend event such as a birth, a baptism, an anniversary, a graduation, a birthday or any other special occasion. In each of these Shell Level categories the name of the honored or deceased person will be shown and those making a donation will have an asterisk after their name in the Shell Level denoting their special donation.

The Grand Harbor Community Outreach Legacy Society ____________________
In 2019 the GHCOP Board established The Grand Harbor Community Outreach Legacy Society which recognizes those individuals who have chosen to name the Society in their will, trust or estate plan. Funds in the Legacy account will be allocated by the Board, after careful input from the Philanthropy Committee, to meet strategic or special operating needs of approved charities complying with the mission of the Outreach Program. The Legacy Society will ensure continued support of our neighbors in need.
If you have already named the Outreach Program in your estate plan or named Outreach a beneficiary of your retirement account or insurance plan, we sincerely thank you. Only a statement of intent, no documentation, is required to join the Legacy Society.
Please contact Michael Spence, VP Annual Fund at [email protected] or Ken Mindt, Treasurer at [email protected] to notify us that you have named the Outreach Program in your estate plan or other planned giving program, and thus qualify for Legacy Society membership.